Easy Click Project offers professional backlink building services to help increase your website's authority and improve its search engine rankings. Our team will identify high-quality, relevant websites for link placements, ensuring that your backlink profile is diverse and authoritative. With our tailored approach, you can enhance your website's visibility, credibility, and organic traffic effectively.

40 profile backlinks for second Layer

In this service, we have prepared 25 EDU, GOV backlinks along with 25 other valuable backlinks to improve the ranking of your site in search engines, which we will do after ordering and the relevant report in the form of an Excel file in the user area. We will send it to you.
Important point: the effect of edu and gov backlinks can be seen relatively later than other backlinks, but they are very safe and effective.

Adding layer 2 profile backlinks to our directory submissions can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Increased Authority: Layer 2 profile backlinks help to enhance the authority and credibility of the directory submissions we’ve made. These backlinks provide additional signals to search engines that reinforce the importance of our submissions.

  2. Diversification of Link Profile: By incorporating layer 2 profile backlinks, we diversify our link profile. This diversity can help to mitigate the risk of over-reliance on any single type of backlink and contribute to a more natural and balanced link profile.

  3. Boosting Visibility: Layer 2 profile backlinks can improve the visibility and reach of our directory submissions. They create additional pathways for users and search engine crawlers to discover and navigate to our submissions, ultimately increasing the chances of them being indexed and ranked favorably.

  4. Long-term Impact: While the direct impact of layer 2 profile backlinks may not be significant, they contribute to the overall strength and resilience of our link building efforts over the long term. These backlinks provide a foundation for sustainable growth and can continue to benefit our website’s authority and rankings over time.

However, if you’ve purchased directory submissions from large websites and haven’t been satisfied with the results despite the significant expense, or if you want to see more impact, our recommendation is to use backlinks for your directory submissions. These backlinks may not matter what kind they are, but they enhance the power of the directory submissions you’ve purchased and will have a long-term impact.

Sometimes, you may need link building for a highly competitive page but are concerned about being penalized for creating a large number of backlinks. In such cases, using a layered technique and including layer 2 backlinks can alleviate this concern.

Certainly, even if the backlinks are risky (we always guarantee the naturalness of the backlinks), they will be beneficial due to the credibility of the large websites from which you have purchased directory submissions.

Important Note: These backlinks do not have a significant direct impact on your website, and we strongly recommend using them only for layer 2 directory submissions you have purchased.

The backlinks of this service include

90 Euro /permanent
  • Permanent - Profile
  • 40 backlinks
  • Delivery time: 14 days after order confirmation
  • Domain authority of backlinks: 45+

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