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Custom Logo Design Service by Easy Click Project

Logo Design Service in Berlin

Logo Design

Logo design involves the creation of a unique symbol, wordmark, or combination that represents a brand’s identity. It’s a visual cornerstone that encapsulates a brand’s essence and values.

Branding Impact

Logos are a brand’s visual ambassadors, communicating its personality and values at a glance. A well-designed logo fosters recognition, trust, and connection with customers.

Standing Out

A memorable logo is essential for differentiation in a competitive landscape. It’s a concise representation that captures attention and sets a brand apart from competitors.

Key Elements

Logo design includes a choice of colors, typography, symbols, and layout, all orchestrated to convey the brand’s message effectively.

At Easy Click, we excel in crafting impactful logos that epitomize brands, resonate with audiences, and leave a lasting mark. Our designs are not just visuals; they’re the essence of brands in a single iconic representation.


Easy Click Project Graphic services

Business Card Logo Motion Graphic Visual identity Flyer Packaging User interface Instagram Illustration Animated Character Magazine Advertising desing Posters Billboard Catalog Banner Brochure Menu Pop-Up Book layout Uniforms Invoices Label Tag Calender Gifs Appreciation Invitation

How is the Graphic design process?


Choose Product and Consultation
  • Select the desired product type.
  • Consult with the Easy Graphic design team


Graphic Design Contract
  • Formally sign the graphic design contract


Final Design Approval
  • Approve the design within the contractual framework


Design Cost and Agreement
  • Receive information about design costs and pricing
  • Reach a mutual agreement.


Prototype Presentation and Review
  • Receive the prototype of the graphic design.
  • Evaluate for defects and necessary changes


Approve the design within the contractual framework
  • The finalized project is delivered to you

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Frequently asked questions

A logo design service involves creating a unique and visually appealing graphic symbol that represents a business, brand, or organization. The logo serves as a key element of brand identity and is used on various marketing materials to promote recognition and establish credibility.

  • A professional logo is essential for creating a strong brand identity and making a memorable impression on customers. It helps differentiate your business from competitors, builds trust and credibility, and fosters brand loyalty among your target audience.
  • A good logo design is simple, memorable, versatile, and relevant to the brand. It should effectively communicate the brand’s values, personality, and unique selling points while being visually appealing and easy to recognize across different mediums and sizes.
  • We start by understanding your business, target audience, industry, and design preferences through a detailed consultation process. Our designers then brainstorm ideas, sketch concepts, and create digital drafts for your review and feedback.
  • We typically provide 3-5 initial logo concepts based on your preferences and feedback. Once you choose a concept, we offer revisions to refine the design further until you are completely satisfied with the final result.
  • You will need to provide information about your business, including its name, industry, target audience, values, and any specific ideas or concepts you have in mind for the logo. Additionally, sharing examples of logos you like or dislike can help guide the design process.
    • While we do not provide legal services, we can offer guidance on trademark and copyright considerations for your logo. We recommend consulting with a trademark attorney to ensure that your logo design is legally protected.
  • You will receive the final logo design in various formats suitable for both print and digital use, including vector files (AI, EPS) for scalability and raster files (PNG, JPEG) for web and social media applications. We ensure that the logo is delivered in high-resolution and optimized for different platforms.
  • Absolutely! Our goal is to create a logo that accurately reflects your brand’s identity, values, and personality. We take the time to understand your brand and incorporate its unique attributes into the design to ensure it resonates with your target audience.
  • The timeline for designing a logo can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the design, the number of revisions requested, and the client’s response time. Typically, the process takes 1-3 weeks from the initial consultation to the final delivery of the logo files.